Dongin Kim

Ph.D. (2023)

Areas of Interest:

  • International Trade and Investment
  • Agrifood System
  • Policy Evaluation
  • Big Data Analytics

Previous education:

M.S., Management Engineering, KAIST

B.A., Financial Economics, University of Rochester


PI: Kim, D., “Measuring the Impact of Foreign Trade Shocks on Agriculture in the United States” NIFA-AFRI (Grant No. 2021-67034-34972)

Working Papers:

Kim, D. and Steinbach, S., “Preferential Trading in Agriculture: New Insights from a Structural Gravity Analysis and Machine Learning.” (Job Market Paper)
Kim, D. and Steinbach, S., “Rising Protectionism and Foreign Direct Investment.” (Under Review)
Steinbach, S. and Kim, D. “The Linder Hypothesis for Foreign Direct Investment Revisited.” (Under Review)
Kim, D. and Steinbach, S., “The Impact of Rising Protectionism on Foreign Direct Investment in Agriculture.” (Under Review)