UConn's Agricultural and Resource Economics faculty are national and global leaders in their respective research areas. Below is a list of recent publications.
Environment, Energy, and Natural Resources
Connolly, C, M. Livy, Y. Qiu, and H.A. Klaiber (2019). Capitalization of Interconnected Active Transportation Infrastructure. Landscape and Urban Planning. 182:67-78.
“North-South Displacement Effects of Environmental Regulation: The Case of Battery Recycling,”(with Shinsuke Tanaka, Kensuke Teshima and Eric Verhoogen). American Economic Review: Insights,4(3): 271-288,2022[Leadarticle]
“Fuel Economy and the Price of Gasoline: Evidence from Fueling-Level Micro Data,”(with Shinsuke Tanaka, and Christopher R.Knittel). Journal of Public Economics,202(October),2021, 104496
“When TaxIncentives Drive Illicit Behavior: The Manipulation of Fuel Economy in the Automobile Industry.” Shinsuke Tanaka. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 104(November), 2020, 102367.
“Valuing Nuclear Energy Risk: Evidence from the Impact of the Fukushima Crisison U.S.HousePrices,”(with Shinsuke Tanaka and Jeffrey Zabel). Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 88(March): 411-426, 2018.
Water Economics
Taylor, M.H., J. Kingsley, K. Rollins, and A. Bowman. 2021. The Economic Cost of Unanticipated Water Supply Reductions for Agricultural Producers in the Humboldt River Region. Journal of the Nevada Water Resources Association, Winter 2021, p. 5-41. DOI: 10.22542/jnwra/2021/1/1.
Brent, D.A., C.G. Lott, M. H. Taylor, K. Rollins, J. Cook and S. Stoddard. 2020. What causes heterogeneous responses to social comparison messages for water conservation? Environmental and Resource Economics 77(3): 503-537.
Lee, Gi-Eu, K. Rollins, and L. Singletary. 2020. An Empirical Analysis of the Influence of Permitted Place of Use Transfers on the Performance of Prior Appropriations Water Rights. Land Economics 96(3): 384-398.
Zhong, Hua, Michael H. Taylor, Dale T. Manning, Kimberly Rollins, and Christopher Goemans. 2019. Who pays for water scarcity? Evaluating the welfare implications of water infrastructure investments for cities. Annals of Regional Science 63:559-600.
Taylor, M.H., K. Rollins and C. Lott. 2018. Exploring the Behavioral and Welfare Implications of Social-Comparison Messages in Residential Water and Electricity. Economic Letters 168: 65- 69.
S.A. Ebbin, Trumbull, N. (2021) Contested Spaces in the New Blue Economy: Competing for Connecticut’s Thames River Working Waterfront. The Geographical Journal, 00, 1– 14.
SA Ebbin. 2020. Immersing the arts: Integrating the arts into ocean literacy. Parks Stewardship Forum, The 10 CV of S.A. Ebbin Interdisciplinary Journal of Place-Based Conservation Volume 36, Issue 3.
SA Ebbin. 2020. Humanizing the Seas: A Case for Integrating the Arts and Humanities into Ocean Literacy and Stewardship. Parks Stewardship Forum, The Interdisciplinary Journal of Place-Based Conservation, Volume 36, Issue 3
Chen, Zhenshan, and Charles Towe. (2023) "Pricing Coastal Amenities." Land Economics, Accepted
Rosenberg, Andrew, David Newburn, and Charles Towe. (2023). "Household Willingness to Pay for Stream Restoration on Private and Public Land: Evidence from the Baltimore Metropolitan Region." Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 59(2): 376-395.
Towe, Charles, H. Allen Klaiber, Joe Maher, and Will Georgic (2021) "A Valuation of Urban Restored Streams Using Repeat Sales and Instrumental Variables." Environmental and Resource Economics, 80: 199-219.
Baggio, Michele, Charles Towe, Daniel Trüssel, and Armin Peter. (2020) "Evaluating the Effects of River and Stream Restorations: Evidence from Recreational Fishing" Land Economics, 96(1):75-91
Niu, Y., & Shah, F. A. (2021). Economics of optimal reservoir capacity determination, sediment management, and dam decommissioning. Water Resources Research, 57, e2020WR028198.
Climate Change
Sisante, Angelo, M., Michael H. Taylor, and Kimberly Rollins. 2019. “Understanding Homeowners’ Decisions to Mitigate Wildfire Risk and Create Defensible Space: Evidence from Nevada.” International Journal of Wildland Fire 28(11): 901-911.
Taylor, M.H., L. Christman and K. Rollins. 2019. Choosing the Right Policy to Promote Defensible Space in the Wildland-Urban Interface: Evidence from Homeowners in Nevada. Land Economics 95(4):531–556.
Bowman, A., C. Lott, C. Meenan, K. Rollins S. Stoddard and L. Singletary. 2018. Elasticity of Price Demand for Water for Residential and Commercial Sectors in Nevada. University of Nevada Cooperative Extension Special Publication SP-18-05.
Niu, Yuan & Shah, Farhed A., 2018. "Design and Management of Multi-purpose Dams under Climate Change," 2018 Annual Meeting, August 5-7, Washington, D.C. 274301, Agricultural and Applied Economics Association.
Health Economics & Food Policy
Tanaka, S., & Matsubayashi, T. (2024). The light of life: The effects of sunlight on suicide. Journal of Health Economics, 99, 102947.
Tanaka, S., & Koizumi, H. (2024). Springing forward and falling back on health: The effect of daylight saving time on acute myocardial infarction. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 228 (December), 106791.
Tanaka, S. (2024). Blowin’ in the wind: Long-term downwind exposure to air pollution from power plants and adult mortality. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 103072.
Andreyeva, T., McCann, M., Prager, J., & Kenney, E. L. (2023). State Agency Perspectives on Successes and Challenges of administering the Child and Adult Care Food Program. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 56(1), 66–74.
Andreyeva, T., Moore, T. E., da Cunha Godoy, L., & Kenney, E. L. (2023). Federal Nutrition Assistance for Young Children: Underutilized and Unequally Accessed. American Journal of Preventive Medicine.
Andreyeva T, Marple K, Moore TE, Powell LM. Evaluation of economic and health outcomes associated with food taxes and subsidies: a systematic review and meta-analysis. JAMA Network Open. 2022 Jun 1;5(6):e2214371.
Andreyeva T, Marple K, Marinello S, Moore TE, Powell LM. Outcomes following taxation of sugar-sweetened beverages: a systematic review and meta-analysis. JAMA Network Open. 2022 Jun 1;5(6):e2215276.
Zhao H, Andreyeva T. Diet quality and health in older Americans. Nutrients. 2022 Mar 11;14(6):1198.
Andreyeva T. Large state variation in sugar-sweetened beverage purchases: what we learn from the beverage industry data. Current Developments in Nutrition. 2021 Dec 16;5(12):nzab128.
Taber DR, Dulin-Keita A, Fallon M, Chaloupka FJ, Andreyeva T, Schwartz MB, Harris JL. Society of Behavioral Medicine (SBM) position statement: Enact taxes on sugar sweetened beverages to prevent chronic disease. Translational Behavioral Medicine 2019 Jan; 9(1):179-183.
Jithitikulchai T, Andreyeva T. Sugar-sweetened beverage demand and tax simulation for federal food assistance participants: a case of two New England states. Applied Health Economics and Health Policy. 2018 Aug;16(4):549-558.
He, X., R.A. Lopez, and R. Boehm. The Impact of Medicaid Expansion on Non-Alcoholic Beverage Choices by Low-Income Households. Forthcoming in Health Economics.
Binod, M., R.A. Lopez, and A. Azzam. 2020. Testing for Local Bias in Food Consumption: The Case of Fluid Milk. Agribusiness: An International Journal, 36(2): 339-344.
Zhu, C., R.A. Lopez and X. Liu. 2019. Consumer Response to Voluntary Nutrition Labeling in the Presence of Information Spillovers. Food Policy, 86(July, 101723):1-14,
Abolishing User Fees, Fertility Choice, and Educational Attainment (with Shinsuke Tanaka and Takahiro Ito). Journal of Development Economics,130(January): 33-44, 2018.
Giulia Tiboldo, Rebecca Boehm, Farhed Shah, Daniele Moro, Elena Castellari. Taxing the heat out of the U.S. food system. Food Policy,Volume 110. 2022. 102266. ISSN 0306-9192.
Childrens Health
Kenney EL, Tucker K, Plummer RS, Mita C, Andreyeva T. The Child and Adult Care Food Program and young children's health: a systematic review. Nutrition Reviews. 2023 Mar 7:nuad016
Andreyeva T, Mozaffarian RS, Kenney EL. Updated meal patterns in the Child and Adult Care Food Program and changes in quality of food and beverages served: a natural experimental study. Nutrients. 2022 Sep 14;14(18):3786
Andreyeva T, Sun X, Cannon M, Kenney EL. The Child and Adult Care Food Program: barriers to participation and financial implications of underuse. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior. 2022 Apr; 54(5):327-334.
Andreyeva T, Sun X, Cannon M, Kenney EL. Implementation of minimum nutrition standards and best practices in childcare centers. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. 2021 Dec;121(12):2454-2463.
Andreyeva T, Sun X. Universal school meals in the US: What can we learn from the Community Eligibility Provision? Nutrients. 2021 Jul 30, 13(8):2634.
Long MW, Marple K, Andreyeva T. Universal free meals associated with lower meal costs while maintaining nutritional quality. Nutrients. 2021 Feb 19;13(2):670.
Bauer KW, Chriqui JF, Andreyeva T, et al. A safety net unraveling: feeding young children during COVID-19. American Journal of Public Health. 2021 Jan;111(1):116-120.
Sun X, Andreyeva T. Kindergarten entry age and household food insecurity. Health Behavior and Policy Review. 2020;7(5):406-421.
Andreyeva T, Henderson KE. Center-reported adherence to nutrition standards of the Child and Adult Care Food Program. Childhood Obesity 2018 Aug/Sep; 14(6):421-428.
Andreyeva T, Kenney EL, O’Connell M, Sun X, Henderson KE. Predictors of nutrition quality in early child education settings in Connecticut. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior. 2018 May;50(5):458-467
Wen, C* and Connolly, C (2022). Aiding Farm to School Implementation: An Assessment of Facilitation Mechanisms. Agricultural and Resource Economics Review. 51(2).
Choi YY, Andreyeva T, Fleming-Milici F, Harris JL. US households’ children’s drink purchases: 2006-2017 trends and associations with marketing. American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2022 Jan;62(1):9-17.
Choi YY, Ludwig A, Andreyeva T, Harris JL. Effects of United States WIC infant formula contracts on brand sales of infant formula and toddler milks. Journal of Public Health Policy. 2020 Sep;41(3):303-320.
Developmental Economics
“The long-term impacts of grants on poverty: 9-year evidence from Uganda’s Youth Opportunities Program”, with Nathan Fiala, Christopher Blattman and Sebastian Martinez. Forthcoming, American Economic Review: Insights
“The supply chain for seed in Uganda: Where does it all go wrong?”, with Nathan Fiala and Alicia Barriga. Forthcoming, World Development.
“Do anti-poverty programs sway voters? Experimental evidence from Uganda”, with Chris Blattman, Nathan Fiala and Mathilde Emeriau. NBER Working Paper No. 23035 and Review of Economics and Statistics, 2018, 100 (5): 891-905.
“Trusting Former Rebels: An Experimental Approach to Understanding Reintegration after Civil War”, with Ian Levely, Nathan Fiala and Michal Bauer. Economic Journal, 2018, 128 (613): 1786-1819.
“Financial Education and Savings Behavior: Evidence from a Randomized Experiment among Low Income Clients of Branchless Banking in India”, with Margherita Calderone, Nathan Fiala, Santadarshan Sadhu and Leopold Sarr. Economic Development and Cultural Change, 2018, 66 (4).
“Returns to microcredit, cash grants and training for male and female microentrepreneurs in Uganda”. Nathan Fiala. World Development, 2018, 105: 189-200.
“The Impact of Agri-Business Skills Training in Zimbabwe: An Evaluation of the Training for Rural Economic Empowerment (TREE) Programme”, with Michée Lachaud, Nathan Fiala, Boris Bravo-Ureta and Susana P. Gonzalez. Journal of Development Effectiveness, 2018, 10 (3): 373-391.
“What do we know about the impact of microfinance? The problems of power and precision”, with Nathan Fiala and Mahesh Dahal. World Development, 2020, 128: 1-14.
Agriculture, Production, Marketing and Business
Glover, C.J., A. McDonnell, K.S. Rollins, S.R. Hiibel, P.K. Cornejo. 2023. Assessing the Environmental Impact of Resource Recovery from Dairy Manure. Journal of Environmental Management, Volume 330, 15 March 2023.
Rees, G, Pressler, Y, Bates, G, Connolly, C, Sommerland-Rogers, D, De Lay, A, Gill, S, Papthakis, P, Kronewitter, R, and Lammert, A (2021). Student Perceptions of Rapid Transition To Emergency Remote Learning in a Hands-On Agricultural College. Natural Sciences Education. 50(2).
Connolly, C and H.A. Klaiber (2019). Competition in Local Foods Markets. Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics. 44(2): 328-344
Hu, L.R.A. Lopez, and Y. Zeng. 2019. “The Impact of Credit Constraints on the Performance of Chinese Agricultural Wholesale Markets.” Applied Economics, 51:35, 3864-3875. DOI: 10.1080/00036846.2019.1584385
Li, Xun, Rigoberto A. Lopez, and Shuai Yang. 2018. “Energy-Milk Price Transmission at the Product Brand Level.” Agricultural Economics, 49: 289-299.
Hirsch, Stefan, Giulia Tiboldo, and Rigoberto A. Lopez. 2018. “A Tale of Two Italian Cities: Brand-Level Milk Demand and Price Competition.” Applied Economics, 50(49): 5239-5252.
Lopez, Rigoberto A., Xi He, and Azzeddine Azzam. 2018. “Stochastic Frontier Estimation of Market Power in the Food Industries.” Journal of Agricultural Economics, 69(1): 3-17, DOI: 10.1111/1477-9552.12219
Li, Xun, Rigoberto A. Lopez, and Rui Wang. 2018. Energy Price Shocks and Milk Price Adjustments.” Applied Economics Letters, 25(4): 268-271.
Towe, Charles, and Zhenshan Chen (2023) "Recreational Home Owners' Impact on Agricultural Land Use"." Land Economics, 99(1): 17-37.
Lawley, Chad, and Charles Towe. (2018) "Habitat Conservation in Agricultural Landscapes," The Routledge Handbook of Agricultural Economics, Routledge Press.
“The Impact of Agri-Business Skills Training in Zimbabwe: An Evaluation of the Training for Rural Economic Empowerment (TREE) Programme”, with Michée Lachaud, Nathan Fiala, Boris Bravo-Ureta and Susana P. Gonzalez. Journal of Development Effectiveness, 2018, 10 (3): 373-391.
Taylor, M.H., J. Kingsley, K. Rollins, and A. Bowman. 2021. The Economic Cost of Unanticipated Water Supply Reductions for Agricultural Producers in the Humboldt River Region. Journal of the Nevada Water Resources Association, Winter 2021, p. 5-41. DOI: 10.22542/jnwra/2021/1/1.
Health Economics & Food Policy
Choi YY, Andreyeva T, Fleming-Milici F, Harris JL. US households’ children’s drink purchases: 2006-2017 trends and associations with marketing. American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2022 Jan;62(1):9-17.
Choi YY, Ludwig A, Andreyeva T, Harris JL. Effects of United States WIC infant formula contracts on brand sales of infant formula and toddler milks. Journal of Public Health Policy. 2020 Sep;41(3):303-320.
Connolly, C and S. Degraff** (2019). California Direct Marketer Perceptions of the Food Safety Modernization Act. Choices. Quarter 3.