Climate Resiliency
Climate resiliency involves the ability to rebound from increasingly frequent and severe weather-related shocks, and for local economies and populations to thrive as they adapt to new policies and realities of a changing climate. Click here to view all Zwick Center publications related to Climate Resiliency.

How to Profit from Being Environmentally Friendly
Recently, marketing of products with environmentally friendly characteristics has become a promising strategy to attract a specific segment comprised of environmentally conscious consumers. However, the question is whether investments in environmentally friendly production practices are economically viable, which partially depends on consumers’ preferences and demand for certain pro-environmental attributes. Does it “pay” to be environmentally friendly?

Maritime Industry in Connecticut
The maritime industry has always been a vital component of Connecticut’s economic base and heritage. Ports and water-ways support a wide range of commercial enterprises. The goal of this study is to ascertain and document the significance of the maritime industry to Connecticut’s economy. The specific objective is to estimate the total economic impact of maritime industries through the use of an economic model of the Connecticut economy.
Research for the Real World