Environment, Natural Resources, and Energy
Quality of life and healthy economies depend on natural resource assets, flows of environmental goods and services, and a sustainable mix of renewable energy. The economic and policy issues that will be investigated in this area are emerging to become some of the most difficult but urgent problems of the next decade. Click here to view all Zwick Center publications related to the Environment, Natural Resources and Energy.

Economic Evaluation of Employment in the Connecticut Green Industry
The Connecticut green industry is the leading agricultural sector in sales and employment in the state, accounting for 51 percent of total farm cash receipts in 2017. The objective of this study is to evaluate employment and wages in the Connecticut green industry and was initiated at the request of the Connecticut Nursery and Landscape Association (CNLA) and executed with collaboration and/or funding from Farm Credit East, and the Departments of Extension and Agricultural and Resource Economics at the University of Connecticut.
Research for the Real World