Zwick Center Outreach Reports

Cover of CT Green Industry Report
An Assessment of Challenges Facing Connecticut Farmers in 2023

Author: Cristina Connolly, Rigoberto Lopez, Emma Bojinova, Saskia Krebbers, Carolanne Cusack | 2023 | 34 pp | Free Download

Cover of CT Green Industry Report
An Economic Evaluation of Employment and Wages in Connecticut's Agricultural Industry

Author: Rigoberto A. Lopez, Christopher Laughton, Joan Nichols, and Luis Seoane | 2023 | 27 pp | Free Download

Download Fact Sheet 

Cover of CT Green Industry Report
An Economic Evaluation of Employment In The Connecticut Green Industry

Author: Rigoberto A. Lopez, Luis Seoane, Jaina Szcepanski, Christopher Laughton | 2022 | 54 pp | Free Download

Farm to Institute Report Cover
Farm to Institution: Highlighting Local Food Procurement at the University of Connecticut 

Author: Hannah Colonies Kelley, Matt Chen, and Cristina Connolly | 2022 | 54 pp | Free Download

Outreach Reports published 2015 and before

Local vs. Organic Products

Featured In: Highlights of Extension: College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources

Author: Ben Campbell| 2015 | 15 pp | Free Download 


Northeast Economic Engine: Agriculture, Forest Products and Commercial Fishing 

Farm Credit East

Author: Rigoberto A. Lopez, Nataliya Plesha and Ben Campbell| 2015 | 28 pp | Free Download


Economic Impacts of Agriculture in Eight Northeastern States

Northeast Agriculture 2015 Insights and Perspectives

Author: Rigoberto A. Lopez, Nataliya Plesha and Ben Campbell| 2015 | 28 pp | Free Download


Help Your Customers Understand Green Words and Phrases 

Author: Bridget Behe, Ben Campbell, Jennifer Dennis, Charlie Hall, and Hayk Khachatryan| 2014 | pp 5 | Free Download


Issues for the Future: Local and Organic Outlook

Northeast Agriculture 2015 Insights and Perspectives

Author: Ben Campbell| 2014 | pp.38-39 | View Online


Local vs. Organic

Author: Ben Campbell| 2014 | pp 7| Free Download


How to Know More About Your Online Audience

Author: Bridget Behe, Ben Campbell, Jennifer Dennis, Charlie Hall, and Hayk Khachatryan| 2014 | pp 4| Free Download


How to Profit From Being Environmentally Friendly 

Author: Bridget Behe, Ben Campbell, Jennifer Dennis, Charlie Hall, and Hayk Khachatryan| 2014 | pp 4| Free Download


Research Reveals 'Evolution' of Local and Organic Terms

Author: Ben Campbell| 2013 | pp 7| Free Download


An Economic Analysis of Wine Grape Production in the State of Connecticut

Author: Jeremy L. Jelliffe and Boris E. Bravo-Ureta| 2013 | pp 21| Free Download


Valuing the Coast:: Economic Impacts of Connecticut's Maritime Industry

Author: Robert S. Pomeroy| 2013 | pp 28| Free Download


2012 Community Food Security in Connecticut: An Evaluation and Ranking of 169 Towns

Author: Adam N. Rabinowitz and Jiff Martin| 2013 | pp 24| Free Download


Connecticut Agricultural System Establishments and Jobs

Author: Tammy Warner and Rigoberto A. Lopez| 2013 | pp 3| Free Download


Estimates of Consumption in Locally-Grown Agricultural Products in Connecticut

Author: Tammy Warner| 2012 | pp 10| Free Download


Northeast Agriculture: The Overlooked Economic Engine

Farm Credit East

Author: Rigoberto A. Lopez and Christopher Laughton| 2012 | pp 10| Free Download