Zwick Center Working Paper Series

  1. He, Xi, Rigoberto A. Lopez, and Rebecca Boehm.  2019. The Impact of Medicaid Expansion on the Healthfulness of Non-Alcoholic Beverage Choices among Low-Income Households.”Zwick_wp53_He_Lopez_Boehm_2019. Also available as a Social Science Research Network Working Paper:
  2. Nathan Fiala, Thomas P Krumel Jr, and Leticia Riva. 2019. "Are the extreme poor more trusting? Social capital within a homeless community in eastern Connecticut"Zwick_wp52_Fiala_Krumel_Riva_2019
  3. Binod Khanal, Rigoberto A. Lopez and Azzeddine Azzam. 2018. "Testing Local Bias in Food Consumption: The Case of Fluid Milk"Zwick_wp51_Khanal_Lopez_Assam_2018_also SSRN-id3269848
  4. Alicia Barriga and Nathan Fiala. 2018. "The supply chain for seed in Uganda: Where does it all go wrong?"Zwick_wp50_Barriga_Fiala_2018
  5. Nathan Fiala and Patrick Premand. 2018. "Social accountability and service delivery: Experimental evidence from Uganda"Zwick_wp49_Fiala_Premand_2018
  6. Norbert L. W. Wilson, Yuqing Zheng, Shaheer Burney, Harry Kaiser. 2017. "Do Grocery (Food Sales) Taxes Cause Food Insecurity?"Zwick_wp48_Wilson_Zheng_Burney_Kaiser_2017
  7. Shaheer Burney. 2017. "Habit Formation to Dietary Fat in U.S. Demand for Ground Meat and Fluid Milk"Zwick_wp47_Burney_2017
  8. Chen Zhu, Rigoberto A. Lopez,and  Xiaoou Liu. 2017. "Consumer Responses to Voluntary Nutrition Labeling in the Presence of Information Spillovers"Zwick_wp46_Zhu_Lopez_Liu_2017
  9. Yuqing Zheng, Diansheng Dong, Shaheer Burney, and Harry M. Kaiser. 2017. "Eat at Home or Away from Home? The Role of Grocery and Restaurant Food Sales Taxes"Zwick_wp45_Zheng_Dong_Burney_Kaiser_2017
  10. Shaheer Burney. 2017. "Household Consumption Responses to SNAP Participation"Zwick_wp44_Burney_2017
  11. Hu, Lifang, Rigoberto A. Lopez and Yinchu Zeng. 2016. "The Impact of Credit Constraints on the Performance of Chinese Agricultural Wholesalers."Zwick_wp43_Hu_Lopez_Zeng_2016
  12. Hoke, Omer and Richard Dunn. 2016. "The Effect of Early ACA Medicaid Expansion on Mental Health."Zwick_wp42_Hoke_Dunn_2016
  13. Sun, Shengmin, Rigoberto A. Lopez and Xiaoou Liu. 2016. "Property Rights, Labor Mobility and Collectivization: The Impact of Institutional Changes on China’s Agriculture in 1950-1978."Zwick_wp41_Sun_Lopez_Liu_2016
  14. Lachaud, Michee, Boris E. Bravo-Ureta and Carlos E. Ludena. 2015. "Agricultural Productivity Growth in Latin America and the Caribbean and Other World Regions: An Analysis of Climatic Effects, Convergence and Catch-up."Zwick_wp40_Lachaud_Bravo-Ureta_Ludena_2015_also_IDB-WP-607
  15. Lopez, Rigoberto A., Hualu Zheng, and Azzeddine Azzam. 2015. "Oligopoly Power in the Food Industries Revisited: A Stochastic Frontier Approach."Zwick_wp39_Lopez_Zheng_Azzam_2015
  16. Li, Xun and Rigoberto A. Lopez. 2015. "Energy Price Transmission and Retail Milk Prices."Zwick_wp38_Li_Lopez_2015
  17. He, Xi, Rigoberto A. Lopez, and Yizao Liu. 2015. "Substitution Between Online and Offline Advertising: Evidence from the Carbonated Soft Drink Industry."Zwick_wp37_He_Lopez_Liu_2015
  18. Adalja, Aaron, James Hansen, Charles Towe and Elina Tselepidakis. 2014. "An Examination of Consumer Willingness to Pay for Local Products."Zwick_wp36_Adalja_Hansen_Towe_Tselepidakis_2014
  19. Dunn, Richard A. and Nathan W. Tefft. 2014. "Decomposing the Danger of Drinking Drivers: 1983 to 2012."Zwick_wp35_Dunn_Tefft_2014
  20. Dunn, Richard A., Rodolfo M. Nayga, Jr., Michael Thomsen and Heather L. Rouse. 2014. "A Longitudinal Analysis of Fast-Food Exposure on Child Weight Outcomes: Identifying Causality Through School Transitions."Zwick_wp34_Dunn_Nayga_Thomsen_Rouse_2014
  21. Njuki, Eric and Boris Bravo-Ureta. 2014. "A Bayesian Approach to Analyzing the Economic Costs of Environmental Regulation in U.S. Dairy Farming."Zwick_wp33_Njuki_Bravo-Ureta_2014
  22. Calderone, Margherita, Nathan Fiala, Florentina Mulaj, Santadarshan Sadhu and Leopold Sarr. 2014. "When Can Financial Education Affect Savings Behavior? Evidence from a Randomized Experiment among Low Income Clients of Branchless Banking in India."Zwick_wp32_Calderone_Fiala_Mulaj_Sadhu_Sarr_2014
  23. Bauer, Michael, Nathan Fiala and Ian Levely. 2014. "Trusting Former Rebels: An Experimental Approach to Understanding Reintegration after Civil War." Zwick_wp31_Bauer_Fiala_Levely_2014
  24. Fiala, Nathan. 2014. "Skills in the Marketplace: Market Equilibrium, Personality and Ability in a Field-Based Experiment." Zwick_wp30_Fiala_2014
  25. Fiala, Nathan. 2014. "Finance and enterprise growth in developing countries: Evidence from an experiment in Uganda." Zwick_wp29_Fiala_2014
  26. Fiala, Nathan. 2014. "Economic Consequences of Forced Displacement"Zwick_wp28_Fiala_2014
  27. Zhu, Chen and Rui Huang. 2013. "Heterogeneity in Consumer Responses to Front-of-Package Nutrition Labels: Evidence from a Natural Experiment?"Zwick_wp27_Zhu_Huang_2014
  28. Swallow, Stephen K., Pengfei Liu, Eric Seabloom, Elizabeth Borer. 2013. "A Simple Lesson in Economic Valuation: Do Scientists Value Expanding the Nutrient Network."Zwick_wp26_Swallow_Liu_Seabloom_Borer_2013
  29. Bauer, Dana Marie, Stephen K. Swallow, Pengfei Liu, Robert J. Johnston. 2013. "Do Exurban Communities Want More Development?"Zwick_wp25_Bauer_Swallow_Liu_Johnston_2013
  30. Liu, Pengfei, Stephen K. Swallow, Christopher M. Anderson. 2013. "Threshold Level Public Goods Provision with Multiple Units: Experimental Effects of Disaggregated Groups with Rebates."Zwick_wp24_Liu_Swallow_Anderson_2013
  31. Cotti, Chad, Richard A. Dunn, and Nathan Tefft. 2013. "Alcohol-Related Motor Vehicle Crash Risk and the Location of Alcohol Purchase."Zwick_wp23_Cotti_Dunn_Tefft_2013
  32. Adams, Scott, Chad Cotti, and Nathan Tefft. 2013. "Seatbelt Use Following Stricter Drunk Driving Regulations."Zwick_wp22_Adams_Cotti_Tefft_2013
  33. Patalinghug, Jason C. 2013 "The Effect of Advertising and In-Store Promotion on the Demand for Chocolate."Zwick_wp21_Patalinghug_2013
  34. Cotti, Chad, Richard A. Dunn, and Nathan Tefft. 2013. "The Dow is Killing Me: Risky Health Behaviors and the Stock Market."Zwick_wp20_Cotti_Dunn_Tefft_2013
  35. Liu, Yizao, Rigoberto A. Lopez, and Chen Zhu. 2013. "How Effective is Public Policy in Decreasing Soda Consumption? An Assessment of Four Policy Options."Zwick_wp19_Liu_Lopez_Zhu_2013
  36. Lopez, Rigoberto A., Yizau Liu, and Chen Zhu. 2013. "Spillover and Competitive Effects of Advertising in the Carbonated Soft Drink Market."Zwick_wp18_Lopez_Liu_Zhu_2013
  37. Li, Aizhen, Boris Bravo-Ureta, David Okello, Carl Deom and Naveen Puppala. 2013. "Groundnut Production and Climatic Variability: Evidence from Uganda."Zwick_wp17_Li_Bravo-Ureta_Okello_Deom_Puppala_2013
  38. Swallow, Stephen, Christopher Anderson and Emi Uchida. 2012. "The Bobolink Project: Selling Public Goods from Ecosystem Services Using Provision Point Mechanisms."Zwick_wp16_Swallow_Anderson_Uchida_2012
  39. Cohen, Michael and Adam Rabinowitz. 2012. "An Empirical Analysis of Equilibrium Pricing and Advertising in the Ready-To-Eat Cereal Market."Zwick_wp15_Cohen_Rabinowitz_2012
  40. Li, Zhi, Christopher Anderson, and Stephen Swallow. 2012 "Uniform Price Mechanisms for Threshold Public Goods Provision: An Experimental Investigation."Zwick_wp14_Li_Anderson_Swallow_2012
  41. Cohen, Michael and Marc Rysman. 2012. "Payment choice with consumer panel data." Zwick_wp13_Cohen_Rysman_2012
  42. Cohen, Michael and Rui Huang. 2012. "Corporate Social Responsibility for Kids’ Sake: A Dynamic Model of Firm Participation."Zwick_wp12_Cohen_Huang_2012
  43. Cohen, Michael, Rui Huang and Chen Zhu. 2012. "The Use of Voluntary Marketing Initiatives to Improve the Nutritional Profile of Kids Cereals."Zwick_wp11_Cohen_Huang_Zhu_2012
  44. Tsvetanov, Tsvetan and Farhed Shah. 2012. "The Economics of Protection Against Sea Level Rise: An Application to Coastal Properties in Connecticut."Zwick_wp10_Tsvetanov_Shah_2013
  45. Berning, Joshua, Rui Huang and Adam Rabinowitz. 2012. "An Evalution of Government and Industry Proposed Restrictions on Television Advertising of Breakfast Cereals to Children."Zwick_wp9_Berning_Huang_Rabinowitz_2012
  46. Huaxia, Rui, Yizao Liu and Andrew Whinston. 2011. "Whose and What Chatter Matters? The Effect of Tweets on Movie Sales."Zwick_wp8_Rui_Liu_Whinston_2012
  47. Tsvetanov, Tsvetan and Kathleen Segerson. 2011. "Re-Evaluating the Role of Energy Efficiency Standards: A Time-Consistent Behavioral Economics Approach." Zwick_wp7_Tsvetanov_Segerson_2011
  48. Kafle, Achyut, Stephen Swallow and Elizabeth Smith. 2011."Effects of Public Funding on Local Tradeoffs and Willingness to Pay (WTP) in a Choice Experiment: Blackstone River Watershed Management"Zwick_wp6_Kafle_Swallow_Smith_2011
  49. Liu, Pengfei, Stephen Swallow and Christopher Anderson. 2011. "Assessing a Provision Game for Two Units of a Public Good, With Different Group Arrangements, Marginal Benefits, and Rebate Rules: Experimental Evidence." Zwick_wp5_Liu_Swallow_Anderson_2011
  50. Lopez, Rigoberto A. and Xenia Matschke. 2011. "Home Bias in U.S. Beer Consumption". Zwick_wp4_Lopez_Matsche_2011
  51. Lopez, Rigoberto A. and Xiaoou Liu. 2011. "Entry of Wal-Mart Supercenters and Supermarkets’ Profit Margins." Zwick_wp3_Liu_Lopez_2011
  52. Liu, Yizao. 2010. "Gasoline Prices, Fuel Economy Efficiency And Automobile Replacement Dynamics." Zwick_wp2_Liu_2010
  53. Jeffords, Christopher. 2011. "Preference-Directed Regulation When Ethical Environmental Policy
    Choices Are Formed With Limited Information." Zwick_wp1_Jeffords_2011