Connecticut Farm to School Procurement Survey

Strawberries in a strawberry fiedl

With increased interest in Farm to School programming, policymakers and state agency staff need to understand the challenges and opportunities food service personnel face related to procuring local foods for their K-12 Meals.

All SFA directors are encouraged to complete the survey, even those that don't do farm to school.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the purpose of this survey?

The purpose of this survey and data collection is to gain a better understanding of the shared challenges faced by all SFAs throughout Connecticut. This information can then be used to inform better policies and programming to support you and your SFA.

What do I need to complete this survey?

All SFA's should have:

  • Your total food costs
  • How many people work at the SFA

If your SFA buys local foods, it would also be helpful to have:

  • How frequently you buy and serve different types of local food
  • What states you purchase local food from
  • The funding sources and suppliers used for local food procurement
  • How many staff members are involved in local food procurement
  • Your total and local food costs

Who should fill out this survey?

The best person to complete this survey is the SFA Director

My SFA doesn’t do Farm to School, should we participate?

Yes!! We want to know about your SFA, what challenges you face, and what may make doing Farm to School possible for your SFA!

Can I return and revise the survey?

Yes, if you use the same browser Qualtrics will save your place in the survey. You can go back to edit as needed, until you click "submit".

How long will this take?

It should take about 20 minutes to complete this survey

What if I submit too early?

If you submitted too early or want to change anything, email us at and we can reopen the survey

I still have more questions?

Reach out to us anytime!

Our email is:

All participating SFAs will be entered into a raffle.

Prizes Include:

              • Blender

              • Juicer

              • Immersion Blender

              • Airpods

Questions? Email us:

Logos of: CT Farm to School Collaborative, UConn Zwick Center, CT Department of Agriculture, and CT State Department of Education Logo