Zwick Center Publications

The Zwick Center provides economic research on problems related to food, public health, natural resources, environment, energy, and sustainable regional economic development. The Center's goal is to improve society's wellbeing by providing research results in the form of practical information for individuals, firms and public policy-makers to use to enhance decision-making outcomes and the functioning of markets.


Publications by Subject


Publications by Type

These summaries describe the implications of research as relevant to decision-makers, with references to supporting research reports, working papers and journal articles.

These 2 to 4 page summaries briefings touch on the key points of research.

These reports show the cost of dairy products.

These reports discuss economic research questions, summarize methods, and describe key results of studies.

These scholarly papers provide economic theory and describe quantitative approaches used to address economic problems that are the focus of Zwick Center research and analysis.  These papers will eventually appear, in modified form, as refereed academic journal articles.

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